28 November 2011

Another Birdie

Well, I am back again with another birdie that I did for my best friend's grand daughter Iris who was 3 years old on 26th November, 2011. We had a great celebration at her house with Mickey Mouse theme. Anyway, I kind of like doing this birdie, the pattern is easy to follow and lots of fun doing it and it took only three hours sewing it all together.

I will be back soon with my next completed project. Happy quilting.

07 November 2011

Fractured Rhapsody

I am taking this out to finish it. My friend Datin Mariam gave me the encouragement to do it..thanks to her. Quilter needs another quilter to encourage and inspire each other. Anyway, this is one of my  PHds (project half done) and pattern which was first taken from the book Bargello Quilts by Marge Edie and the name of this quilt is Fractured Rhapsody.

I first started putting this together in March 2006....gosh 7 years being left behind. I am going to start sewing...will post it once done...wish me luck again.