June 25th, 2021
It has passed half of the year and passed my birthday of 61 years of age.
Many things to ponder and looking forward for a better future in life. Not wasting time but I am still struggling with my sewing, crochet, cross-stitch and few other hand work in between the house chores that I am taking it lightly and not to have it stressed upon.
Now it is vaccine time for everyone and I am waiting for my 2nd call (1st vaccine) which I failed due to high blood pressure caused by Mr Trigger Man of whom only few knows about him. I have blocked him from my contact until all my two vaccines are done.
I am so looking forward to complete all my half done projects and the current projects too. So many on my plate at the moment but I am not going to stress myself out. Slowly but surely. Need to smile more each day for a healthier life.
Live life fullest. Stay safe and stay well.